7 April 1997 Sully District Land Use and Transportation Committee Report
by Carol A. Hawn

Attendance: Dick Frank (Transportation Advisory Commission), Jim Hart (Heritage Forest), Carol Hawn (Singleton's Grove), Carole Korzilius (North Lake Village), Mark McConn (Bull Run Civic Association), Bill Ritchie (NECCA), and Larry Tessier (Franklin Glen)

Carol Hawn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Because no presentations were scheduled for the evening, the Committee discussed a number of land use and transportation issues. The Thompson Road out-of-turn plan amendment public hearing was held on Thursday, April 3, 1997. The Planning Commission deferred the vote until April 24, 1997 and will ask the Board of Supervisors to move the public hearing back as well. Many of the issues raised by this Committee were not brought up as they are zoning issues; the public hearing only considered amending the Comprehensive Plan. Carol Hawn spoke on behalf of the Committee since, in December 1995, we voted to oppose the change to the Plan even though it is a site-specific proposal.

Dick Frank mentioned that the first phase of the Beltway Major Investment Study (MIS) has been completed. Two recommendations, plus train or transit ideas, are proposed, including HOV lanes and express separation lanes such as those on I-270 north of the Beltway interchange. Hunter Mill Supervisor Robert Dix is upset that local politicians were not consulted during this phase, even though the ultimate decision is up to them. The technical groups should include at least some members of the Board of Supervisors. There has been little public input in this specific MIS, unlike the I-66 MIS currently being undertaken. The I-95 to I-66 portion of the Beltway is the heaviest traveled portion of the road and recommendations will be carried out along that stretch first. A decision is due today.

The issue of signage and decorations was raised, in part due to the publicity of the Shell station structures in this week's Centre View and Centreville Times. The Shell station is in the Lee Highway district, and will have to apply for a special exception amendment to keep the structures. Moore Road will be closed to traffic except for the station and the Bell Telephone facility, once ingress/egress is determined for three residential parcels now using it. Jim Hart noted that the signs for developments along Compton Road seem larger than what is permitted. Dick Frank mentioned that the Crabhouse located at I-66 and the Fairfax County Parkway has an exceptional number of red lights illuminating it.

The Board of Supervisors voted earlier today on the noise contour amendments. The outcome was not known at meeting time. (The Board voted 8-1 to adopt the advertised Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments).

Larry Tessier and Carole Korzilius mentioned the potential traffic hazard at Dorforth Drive near the Route 50 interchange with the Parkway. Now that the Manor Care nursing facility is in operation, vehicles are having to slow down and turn right from the right-hand lane which is also a through-lane for eastbound Route 50 vehicles. Because of the hill, there is not a good sight distance before the intersection; Larry Tessier has seen many close calls. A similar intersection is under construction at Stringfellow Road and Route 50. All intersections along Route 50 will be identical. There is not room for right turn deceleration lanes along the highway, although that is the legitimate solution. It is possible that "watch for turning vehicle" signs could be installed at those intersections. Carole Korzilius asked whether Manor Care is responsible for replacing the bicycle trail on their property removed during construction. It was suggested that she contact Charlotte Cable at Supervisor Frey's office.

New Braddock Road from Union Mill to Clifton Roads should be completed by July. Construction is beginning on the realignment of Stringfellow Road; sewer lines are being laid. The Fairfax County Parkway is already being resurfaced in small sections.

Larry Tessier asked about the expense of soundwalls. One out of every five dollars spent on the Fairfax County Parkway is spent on noise attenuation. Why are taxpayers footing the bill for something the developers should pay for. Dick Frank mentioned that the county cannot legally go back to developers if the property is already finished. Pressure can be put on developers of properties currently undergoing construction, as well as those not yet built. Funding for noise attenuation could be included as a proffer in new construction.

Mark McConn noted that housing density and number of dwellings within a specific proximity to roadway are determining factors in whether sound walls are constructed. He is having difficulties with VDOT in that a number of cedar trees were removed to widen I-66 and are not being replaced. Jersey walls are not mitigating the noise, although Dick Frank noted that these walls shoot the sound upwards. Carole Korzilius mentioned that the same issue arose at North Lake Village. Mark McConn also mentioned that the Buddhist Temple is fully operating again, although they have been warned by the county to not hold services at the home. This is a health department issue.

Mark McConn inquired whether the cable franchise contract has been reauthorized. In its original contract, Media General was to extend cable to the entire county. Due to the Occoquan downzoning, however, homeowners now have to pay by the foot to receive cable, which runs into the thousands of dollars per homeowner. Areas of Sully, Dranesville, and Springfield Districts are all deprived of cable access. The issue is that his children are required to watch specific programs for homework and his association does not have access to cable. If schools are requiring children to watch specific programs, the children should have ready access to the programming. If they do not have access to the programs, the homework should be waived or cable should be installed at a reasonable cost to homeowners. Carol Hawn will check with Supervisor Frey's office on the status of the cable reauthorization. Bill Ritchie mentioned that the Telephone Pioneers of America are wiring every school in Virginia for cable.

With no additional business, the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol A. Hawn
For the Land Use and Transportation Committee

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