Agenda for 7 March 2018 Sully District Council Meeting
by Jeff Parnes
- The Sully District Council of Citizen Associations will meet at 7 p.m. on 7 March 2018 in the Rocky Run Middle School, Little Theatre located at 4400 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA This meeting is on the first Wednesday of the month The meeting will be canceled if Fairfax County Schools or after school activities are canceled due to adverse weather the day of the meeting.
- Time to renew your association's membership in the Sully District Council. Our membership application can now be submitted on line! Please complete it, and then print a copy to enclose with your check.
Has yours made plans to join us for 2018
- Sully District Council Tweets!
- Follow us at @SullyDistrict!
- For transportation and related issues, follow the Sully District Transportation Advisory Commissioner at @SullyTAC
- Membership Presentation starting at 7:00:
- Membership Topic: Sully District Townhall meeting on the 2019 County and School's Budget jointly sponsored by the Sully District Council, Sully Supervisor Kathy Smith and Sully School Board Member Tom Wilson
Special Guests
- Bryan Hill, County Executive, Fairfax County
- County and School Budget Staff
- The joint SDCCA Land Use and Transportation Committee and the WFCCA Land Use Committee met on 6 March 2018 (see their agenda).
- Pender United Methodist Church Proffer condition amendment to permit expansion of administrative areas of the church, and to permit expansion of the existing preschool through a concurrent special exception.
- Items of General Interest:
- Current events at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center
- Future SDC meeting topics and dates:
- 24 April: Parks and Recreation (This is a Tuesday night to avoid a conflict with the park authority that meets the same day we do)
- 23 May: Report from Richmond
- 27 June: State of Sully - Supervisor Kathy Smith
- Sixty-Seventh Annual Awards Banquet honoring the 2017 Fairfax County Citizen of the Year
- The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens' Associations request the pleasure of your company at the Sixty-Seventh Annual Awards Banquet honoring the 2017 Fairfax County Citizen of the Year
- Honorees include:
- Citizen of the Year Gary Ambrose
- Citation of Merit Honorees Barbara Lippa, Lyle McLaren and Richard Raines
- Special Gratitude Award Recipient Earl L. Flanagan
- On Sunday, the fifteenth of April at the Waterford Reception Center 6715 Commerce St, Springfield, Virginia
- Cocktails starting at 5:30 p.m. with the Program starting at 6:30 p.m.
- For more information please contact the Awards Committee Chair.
- Next month's meetings will start at 7:00 PM in the Sully District Governmental Center Front Meeting Room, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly, VA, 20151.
- The April meeting of the Sully District Council membership will start at 7 pm on 24 April 2018, on the Fourth Tuesday of the month to avoid a conflict with the Park Authority Board montly meeting.
- Topic - Fairfax County Park Authority - In Sully and the County
- Presenter: Maggie Godbold - Sully Park Authority Board Member and representatives of the Fairfax County Park Authority
- The Joint Sully Land Use and Transportation Committee is changing its meeting night. Instead of the first Tuesday of the month it will start meeting on the third Monday. The time and location will remain the same. The next meeting will start at 7:00 pm in the back conference room on Monday, 16 April 2018. At this date there are no issues scheduled.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey M. Parnes
First Vice President
Sully District Council
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Sully District Council Minutes
Land Use & Transportation Committee Minutes
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modified by Jeffrey M. Parnes